Hi There, As A Black Woman, I Belong Here!

As Women's History Month kicks off, it's pertinent to remember and acknowledge the accomplishments...

Relationships Are One Of The Most Important Aspects Of Life

Relationships matter a ton. It's often said that relationships are one of the most important...

Applying the Promises of Philippians 4:19 to Daily Life

Philippians 4:19 is a powerful verse that speaks to the heart of every Christian, reminding us of...

I am the Daughter of Strong Yoruba Women

Growing up as the daughter of strong Yoruba women can be both a blessing and a challenge. Having...

As Christians, One of the Most Fundamental Beliefs is that We are all Children of God

As Christians, one of the most fundamental beliefs is that we are all children of God. This belief...

The Power of Self-Reflection: Why It Matters and How to Do It Right

Self-reflection is a key ingredient to achieving personal growth and development. It allows...

Mom, You Left This Earth 10 Years Ago

Mom, Ten years have passed since you've been gone. Mom, but your memory lives on, The love you...

“Know Your Worth: The Key to Achieving Success in Life and Career

In today's fast-paced world, losing sight of our value and worth can be easy. We may compare...

Dear Papa, Five Years Have Come and Gone

Five years have come and gone, my dear Papa, but time has not dulled the pain of losing you, my...

Friendships In the Bible: What Can We Learn

“A good friend does every thing to protect its friendship.”― Jay Doll Friendship is a...